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Indonesian Heroine

Indonesian Women's Emancipation : Not only Kartini 


From Darkness to Light titled this year edition of Ubud Writers and Readers Festival to honour R.A. Kartini the well-known Indonesian heroine.
After Kartini died aged 25 (1879-1904), Dutch Abendanon collected the many letters Kartini wrote to her pen friends in the Neatherland in which her deep insights about women rights, education and emancipation stands out and have continued to be inspirational to many modern Indonesians. That collection bears the meaningful title of From Darkness to Light.
R.A Kartini has gained her status as National Heroine thanks to Sukarno who declared 21st April, her birthday, national holiday but she is not the only Indonesian to be such a remarkable woman. Many unsung indonesian women deserve such a recognition. Like West Sumatrans Rohana Kudus (1884-1972) first Indonesian female journalist and Rasuna Said (1910-1965) first Indonesian woman Minister. Other women deserve to be commemorated as national heroines like activist Dewi Sartika (1884-1947) from Bandung West Java who founded the first school for women in early 1900 while Cut Nyak Dhien from Aceh (1848-1908) had fought against the Dutch in 1870 instead of staying at home. Although her name is mentioned on school textbooks, roads in major cities are named after her and her face's portrayed on Indonesian Rp.10.000 notes, we usually know no more than that about Cut Nyat Dien.
Many Indonesians are unaware that Aceh has a long tradition of women warriors, politicians and Sultanas dating back to 1600 to current days and that makes Acenese women the first true pioneers of women's emancipation in Indonesia!
Fiorella Carollo

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